The Red Book of Ukraine of endangered species as an effective mechanism of biodiversity: certain application problems




Red Book of Ukraine, biodiversity, fauna and flora, legislation.


In the scientific article the author focuses on the major shortcomings of legislation relating to the maintenance of the Red Book of Ukraine and found that it is today effectively prevents the protection and conservation of biodiversity with the specified official document. Paid attention to the problematic aspects of the publication of the third edition of the Red Book of Ukraine; found that pursues the interests of the political elite in the Red Book of Ukraine reprint; expressed criticism of the content of certain requirements of the Law of Ukraine «On the Red Book of Ukraine»; identified gaps within the given legal act. Achieving the goal of scientific research articles contributed chronologically stages of creating Red Book with the assistance of the international community and how international processes influenced the development of the national Red Book of Ukraine.

Author Biography

Тетяна Вікторівна Єрмолаєва, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Docent, associate professor of the Environmental Law department


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How to Cite

Єрмолаєва, Т. В. (2016). The Red Book of Ukraine of endangered species as an effective mechanism of biodiversity: certain application problems. Problems of Legality, (135), 77–85.



Land law. Agricultural law. Environmental law