Social and historic conditionality of the concepts of law and their representation in fiction




legal concepts, representation, fiction, socio-historic conditionality, literary studies, legal studies


The article proves the necessity of integrated approach to the research into legal concepts representation in fiction, using knowledge, methods and instruments of literary, legal and cultural studies. Such approach helps to reveal common and distinct features of legal concepts content in the pieces of literature, and mark out timeless or temporary content in them.


Author Biography

Ксенія Вікторівна Нестеренко, Yaroslav Mudry National Law Universit

PhD in Linguistics, Associate Professor, Foreign Languages Department № 3


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How to Cite

Нестеренко, К. В. (2016). Social and historic conditionality of the concepts of law and their representation in fiction. Problems of Legality, (135), 254–262.



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