Case studies as one of the communication methods of foreign language teaching law students




case studies, law students, monologue speech, dialogical speech, lexical skills, grammatical skills


The article deals with the problem of «case» in methods of teaching foreign languages. Considerable attention is paid to finding out features of using case studies during training law students a foreign language in order to maximize communication approach of classes. The papers contain examples of the use of case studies in classes of law students to train speech (monologue, dialogue speech) and speech preparation (formation of lexical and grammatical skills) activities.

Author Biography

Людмила Олександрівна Голубнича, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,

Full Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages № 3


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How to Cite

Голубнича, Л. О. (2016). Case studies as one of the communication methods of foreign language teaching law students. Problems of Legality, (135), 245–253.



Linguistic support of educational activities