Requirements of the European Union regarding adaptation of criminal legislation of Ukraine to the EU law in relation to confiscation of property




confiscation of property, special confiscation, confiscation of property of the legal entity


Main requirements of the European Union, listed in the international and legal instruments regarding improvement of the legislation of Ukraine in relation to the confiscation of property were analyzed in the article. Also the main scientific opinions on the reform of the institution of confiscation of property were mentioned. Reasons for the need of further scientific research of the institution of confiscation of property were stated in conclusion.

Author Biography

Оксана Іванівна Бідна

Postgraduate of  The department of Criminal Law number 1

Yaroslav Mudry National Law University


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How to Cite

Бідна, О. І. (2016). Requirements of the European Union regarding adaptation of criminal legislation of Ukraine to the EU law in relation to confiscation of property. Problems of Legality, (135), 179–188.

