Іnheritance of money and right on deposit in a financial institution
inheritance of the money, Inheritance of cash, inheritance of cashless money, inheritance of right on deposit in a bank (financial institution)Abstract
Features of inheritance of money and the right on deposit in a financial institution, on the one hand, related to those functions that they perform as the objects of inheritance law in civil circulation, on the other hand, with their specific legal characteristics. Speaking of money, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the inheritance may include both cash and cashless money. And, despite the fact that the cashless money defined by the law as entries in accounts in financial institutions, inheritance of right on deposit in a financial institution regulated by the Civil Code of Ukraine separately from the inheritance of money. The need for such research caused by practical significance of inheritance of money and the right on deposit, and by small number of research in that area. The issue at different times were explored by such scholars as M. V. Gordon, V. I. Serebrovsky, O. P. Pecheny, V. I. Krat, I. V. Zhilinkova, M. A. Korostelyov etc. The article aims to reveal the influence of legal characteristics of money on civil-law regulation of inheritance of money and the right on deposit in a financial institution. The purpose of research should be achieved through solving such problems as analysis and harmonizing the current inheritance laws in the area of issue. In the article, the peculiarities of inheritance of cash and cashless money were defined, as well as the specifics of universal legal succession of right on deposit in the bank (financial institution). During research some disadvantages of current inheritance legislation in this sphere were revealed, so as the ways of its improvement. Undoubtedly, a segment of considered legislation is debatable in many ways. However, it should be noted that inheritance law determines the process of transition of legacy from testator to the heir. Legal regulation of such relationships depends on the understanding of individual components of heritage, including money in cash and cashless forms. Thus, it can be concluded that inheritance of money and the right on deposit in a financial institution has its own specific characteristics. Peculiarities of legal regulation of relations connected with the universal succession of money, caused by form of objectification of money in civil circulation and by the functions, they perform. In addition, the legal regulation of inheritance of money, connected with their high liquidity, economic value, as well as with their importance to the life of successorsReferences
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