Simplified proceeding as a civil procedure model
simplified proceedings in civil procedure, simplified court procedures, features of simplified proceedings, optimization of civil procedure, congruence proceedings in civil procedureAbstract
Currently the directions for the development of modern civil procedural law such as optimization, facilitation, forwarding proceedings promoting the increase of the civil procedure efficiency factor are of peculiar importance. Their results are occurrence and functionality of simplified proceedings system designed to facilitate significantly hearing some categories of cases, promotion of their consideration within reasonable time and reduce legal expenses so far as it is possible. The category “simplified proceedings” in the native science of the procedural law is underexamined. A good deal of scientists-processualists were limited to studying summary (in the context of optimization) as a way to improve the civil procedural form, summary proceedings and procedures functioning in terms of the mentioned proceedings, consideration of case in absentia as well as their modification. Among the Ukrainian scientist who studied some aspects of the simplified proceedings are: E. A. Belyanevych, V. I. Bobrik, S. V. Vasilyev, M. V. Verbitska, S. I. Zapara, A. A. Zgama, V. V. Komarov, D. D. Luspenuk, U. V. Navrotska, V. V. Protsenko, T. V. Stepanova, E. A. Talukin, S. Y. Fursa, M. Y. Shtefan others. The problems of the simplified proceedings were studied by the foreign scientists as well, such as: N. Andrews, Y. Y. Grubanon, N. A. Gromoshina, E. P. Kochanenko, J. Kohler, D. I. Krumskiy, E. M. Muradjan, I. V. Reshetnikova, U. Seidel, N. V. Sivak, M. Z. Shvarts, V. V. Yarkov and others. The paper objective is to develop theoretically supported, practically reasonable notion of simplified proceedings in the civil process, and also basing on the notion of simplified proceedings, international experience of the legislative regulation of simplified proceedings, native and foreign doctrine, to distinguish essential features of simplified proceedings in the civil process and to describe them. In the paper we generated the notion of simplified proceedings that shall mean a specific, additional form of consideration and solution of civil cases that is based on the voluntary approach to its use, characterized by the reduced set of procedural rules and ends with rendering a peculiar judicial decision. Moreover, the most common features of summary proceedings are highlighted. Simplified proceedings as a specific form of consideration of dispute regarding civil law and as a special way to optimize legal proceedings is provided with a set of peculiar features that distinguish them among the other proceedings. Therewith, the analyzed features shall be defined as basic, in other words, such features peculiar to the certain kind of proceedings during its development and direct application to the civil procedural law.References
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