Separatism in the United Europe: old problem with a new face
separatism, regionalism, European Union, european integration, membership in the organizationAbstract
The focus of this article is the research of the questions, related to the development of separatism in Europe. The prerequisites for the development of the separatist movement within the European integration are analysed, as well as the forms of its realization. The EU’s role in settling the separatist conflicts of the member states is explained. The author is proving the conclusion that in future, within the United Europe, the demands for self-determination will be reviewed by the European Union’s institutions more and more often. Those events will be happening on the background of the mounting tensions between the EU, its member states and their regions.
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Copyright (c) 2018 Ivan Vasylovych Yakoviyk, Marina Georgievna Okladna, Roman Ruslanovich Orlovskyy

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