Higher legal education: problematic aspects determining the content of concept in current legislation
higher education, higher legal education, higher education level, qualification level, qualification requirements, assistant attorneyAbstract
Higher legal education is a necessary component of the legal profession, a guarantee of professional competence of the lawyer. It plays an important role in social development, the environment for the formation of lawyers of the new generation.
The analysis of the content of the concept «higher legal education» revealed the existence of serious problems of legal regulation of this category, since the diversity of its interpretations significantly affects the possibility of citizens realizing their rights, in particular labor, which is closely linked to the presence / absence of a certain level of higher education.
The current legislation does not contain a single definition of the term «higher legal education». It is mentioned in the Constitution of Ukraine, as well as in several laws of Ukraine. However, his definition in these documents is different, sometimes not very correct, and sometimes not at all.
In this regard, some citizens are deprived of the opportunity to realize their constitutional rights, including the right to work. Thus, the absolute majority of regional bar councils refuse to accept documents and register information about assistant attorney to those who have received higher education at the first (bachelor) level of higher education instituted after the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» No. 1556-VII of 01.07.2014 entered into force. The above is related to the false interpretation of the notion of «higher legal education» contained in the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» No. 2984-III of 17.01.2002.
This contradiction, in our opinion, is a disadvantage of lawmaking technique, which should be eliminated by introducing appropriate changes to the existing standard acts of legislation. The necessity of such adjustments, in our opinion, is justified because a clear delineation of qualifying requirements to the person who carries out professional activities regulated by special legislative acts, adds an element of certainty and will clear a guide for seekers of higher education.
Summarizing, we note the inexpediency of defining the notion of higher legal education by the names of specialties. More reasonable and appropriate practices leading powers would be the recognition of higher legal education (within the meaning of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, which contain this term), higher education gained on educational programs, which during the accreditation recognized as providing an education that meets the qualification requirements for the occupation of certain positions.
In this case, special conditions of accreditation of such programs may be provided, in particular, taking into account the results of the unified state exam and evaluation programs involving members of the professional community. In the future, after the establishment of the State Register of Qualifications, the conformity of education with the existing requirements for candidates for certain positions can be achieved through the corresponding marks in the register, which will be done on the basis of accreditation of educational programs, which will be assigned these qualifications.
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