Foreigners’ and stateless persons’ crime in Ukraine: the results of law enforcement officers’ survey
foreigners’ and stateless persons’ crime, crime prevention in Ukraine, law enforcement officers’ surveyAbstract
Dynamic processes of international migration, including Ukraine as a participant, produce real and potential security threats. One of such threats is foreigners’ and stateless persons’ crime. That’s why studding crime of this people with the aim of its prevention, orients a researcher to use different methods of scientific research.
Most of criminological researches are based on the official statistics data. But for the comprehensive view of the topic usage of only crime statistics isn’t enough. Researcher can get the outstanding information through different surveys that belong to the statistical methods of scientific research.
The goal of this paper is to expound the results of law enforcement officers survey, conducted by the author, as for latency, determination and prevention of foreigners’ and stateless persons’ crime in Ukraine.
The investigators and agents of the National police and Security Service of Ukraine, district police officers of the National police from Kyiv and Kyiv Region, Kharkiv and Kharkiv Region, Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk Region, Odesa and Odesa Region, Chernihiv and Chernihiv Region, Chernivtsi and Chernivtsi Region, Uzhhorod and Zakarpattya Region have been the respondents of our survey.
For our survey we had worked up two forms: the first for investigators and agents of the National police and Security Service of Ukraine and the second one for district police officers of the National police of Ukraine. The first form included questions about: how often foreigners and stateless persons commit crimes in Ukraine; the level and reasons of the latency of these crimes; the most widespread difficulties of the investigation of such crimes; possible connection between nationality and kind of crimes; determination and prevention measures of foreigners’ and stateless persons’ crime.
Form for district police officers was rather different than for investigators and agents. We had asked them about quantity of foreigners and stateless persons on their district, facts of crime committing by them, claims from local people on them, determination and prevention this type of crimes.
The main conclusion of the paper is that without such methods of scientific research like surveys, any criminological study isn’t complete and has not enough practical orientation.
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