The legal system of Ukraine: the domestic legal tradition and the problems of transformation
legal system, national legal system, mixed legal system, legal system of Ukraine, law, legal precedent, stateAbstract
The questions of the current state of the legal system ofUkraineare considered, the factors influencing its content and structure are determined. The main trends in determining the content of the national legal system in the domestic legal science are analyzed. Arguments are given regarding the expediency of building the national legal system ofUkraineas a mixed or legal system of an integrative type containing signs of continental and common law. It is concluded that the integrative nature of a legal system that uses the features of continental and common law simultaneously requires a broader use of the legal precedent.
The legal system is viewed by the author in a broad sense as a set of legal institutions and phenomena that are in stable relations with each other and with other social systems, as well as interrelated means of its realization, conditioned by globalization and Ukraine’s desire to integrate into the European legal space. The following components are proposed to be included in the structure of the national legal system of Ukraine of the integrative type: a) the ideological sphere, including legal ideology, legal ethics, legal education and legal psychology inherent in a civilized European society; b) the regulatory and legal sphere that characterizes the features of the external and internal structure of law; c) the institutional sphere, which includes a set of institutions of legal specificity; d) the practical sphere that determines the features of law-making, law enforcement and interpretation of law, with a reasonable combination of Romano-Germanic tradition with Anglo-Saxon law in the country.References
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