Problems of determination of principle of psychological profile of unknown criminal person in investigational activity
рsychological profile, psychological portrait, unknown criminal person, psychological properties of person, conductive properties of person, ideal modelAbstract
In the article principle of psychological profile of unknown criminal person in investigational activity is examined. Validity of this approach appears at importance of the use of modelling method as innovative direction of investigation. Thus, an author marks that to application of this method research of theoretical principles and preparation of practical recommendations must be preceded in practical activity of investigator.
The author marks that to the problems of social and psychological description of criminal person, in particular, unknown, in criminalistics and psychological literature certain attention was spared and determines separate scientists (I. М. Luzgin, V. О. Оbrazcov and S. М. Bogomolov, І. S. Safuanov, Yu. V. Chufarovskii and others) works of that were devoted to research of this problem. However, for today, in criminalistics and legal psychology unambigiuous looks are absent in relation to the use of psychological knowledge in investigational activity. Therefore the aim of this article is consideration of separate theoretical problems of the use of modelling method during establishment of unknown criminal person in investigational activity.
By the author of the article of analysis different determinations of «psychological profile of unknown criminal person» were subjected. They are set positive lines and separate positions that in opinion of author are not expedient and important are subjected to criticism. That is why, the author points in conclusions the argued positions in relation to the necessity of the use of psychological profile of unknown criminal person during investigation of criminal realizations in activity of investigator.
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