On the concept and function of money in civil law
money, functions of money, legal tender, the hryvnia, the form of money, bank money, electronic moneyAbstract
Theoretical problems of monetary relations have always been a subject of research of economic and legal science. In classical legal and economic literature, much attention was devoted to the theory of money among the authors can be identified Lunts L., G. Hartmann, G. Knapp, K. Marx, L. Harris, M. Frydmena and others. Some attention was paid to these problems and modern scholars: W. Yarotskiy, A. Isaev, A. Kochergin, I. Trubina and others, however, despite a large number of studies, many questions remain open.
The purpose of this article is to clarify the concepts and functions of money, they perform in civil matters.
The paper drawn attention to the economic specifics money, found money as manifest themselves in civil matters formed and functions of money in civil law. After analyzing the opinions of scientists, concluded that money should be understood in a category of private law.
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