Concept «committing a crime by an organized group»: conceptual bases of research
complicity, a form of complicity, an organized criminal group, the crime organized criminal groupAbstract
The article proved that the offense is an organized group of criminal-legal phenomenon and concepts (phenomenon), which was first found in the legal definition of Ukrainian Criminal Code 2001, ch. 3 of his art. 28, which is the result of scientific opinion on the legal processes in our country and the introduction of norms of international instruments recognized by Ukraine. To study the concept of «committing a crime by an organized group» used the conceptual approach which allowed to conduct a comprehensive study on 4 levels system-legal analysis: 1st – analysis at the Institute of complicity; 2nd – at the level of organized crime in complicity, and 3rd – level rules contained in ch. 3. 28 CC, the analysis of legal structures (legal models) ‘the crime by an organized group «and» a crime committed by an organized group «and 4 – at the research concept (term), «organized group». It is noted that the terms «organized group» for the definition of criminal association as «an organized group committing a crime» and «crime committed by an organized group» is incorrect and proved the feasibility of using the term «organized criminal group» as «the crime organized criminal group», «crime committed by an organized criminal group».
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