Urbanization as an object of criminological research
urbanization, migration, violent crime, city of Ukraine, urbanization processes.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of urbanization as a factor that affects the crime in terms of political, military conflict and economic crisis.
One of the most urgent and complex issues of public life in Ukraine is the problem of a crime: a level, a structure, and a growth rate. All the information we get from official statistics from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and media indicates it. Even now changes in the dynamics and structure of crime occur, criminal situation in Ukraine is very complicated. A number of manifestations of deviant behavior, recession, deregulation of a financial system, shortage of money in the state treasury, political instability, low paying capacity – all of aforementioned issues go beyond the legal framework, and cause an emergence of various processes in the country, the effects of which then modern Ukrainian society feels.
The criminal situation becomes more complicated because of the consequences of a military conflict in the East of the country. The migration process, that emerged today in the middle of our country, is more of a criminal nature, rather than brings stability to the state. In the estimation of experts, the number of urban population has increased dramatically, and from this criminality arises. It is mostly connected with the fact that people do not have financial security that can be reliable due to employment or various assistance provided for by a state. Also, a factor that induces a person to commit an offense is non-emotional resistance to new relationships in the surrounding society, difference of interests, poor living conditions and struggle for survival in a hostile environment. A person is a body that constantly works, but when it reaches a peak of an emotional state, there comes a time for restarting of life’s important landmarks, that has a nature of positive and negative direction. The choice of further ways of existence depends not only on internal human characteristics, but also on driving force, which exists around it, and is important.
This article defines the essence and meaning of urbanization and crime. The impact of this factor on people’s lives, social relationships prevailing in cities where different socio-psychological relationships are concentrated.
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