Bargaining with the use of electronic form
electronic form, the written form, electronic signature, electronic digital signature, electronic signature using a one-time IDAbstract
The article analyzes the electronic form and how it relates to the concept of the forms of transactions. The author notices that Ukrainian legislation determines the place of the electronic form in the system of forms of transactions in different ways: according to some legal acts the electronic form is understood as a separate form of transaction, and according to others – as a kind of the writing form. The author proves that preference should be given to the second approach. However, not every transaction made with the use of electronic means of communication, may be deemed to be concluded in written form, but only that one, which is signed by all its parties. In this regard, the author analyzes the concept of «electronic signature» and peculiarities of legal regulation of its creation and using in different countries around the world. According to the results of the comparative analysis the author mentions the shortcomings of Ukrainian legislation in the sphere of e-signs regulation, and shows some possible ways of its improvement.
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