The Application of Overriding Mandatory Rules by Ukrainian Courts in Cases Arising on Cross-Border Unfair Competition
overriding mandatory rules, imperative rules, cross-border unfair competition, extraterritorial rules, extraterritorial jurisdictionAbstract
In private international law, there are a number of restrictions in the application of foreign law. Under national laws, some of these limitations appear as mandatory rules based on public policy. These kind of rules shall apply despite the foreign law that could be apply through the conflict of laws rule, or choice of law made by the parties. In other words, in matters of private international law internal mandatory rules replace the rules of the law of a foreign state. However, the problem is that the Law of Ukraine «On Private International Law» does not set criteria for inclusion of certain provisions of the substantive law to the appropriate category. Therefore, in practice to attribute some provisions of substantive law to the mandatory rules is a problematic issue. Especially it concerns the rules of competition law, which in most cases characterize as public law rules.
The article is devoted to the coverage of problematic issues of application mandatory rules of Ukrainian competition legislation in cases with a foreign element. Analyzed the approaches of different scholars on the concept of mandatory rules. Paid attention on the differences of application mandatory and imperative rules of competition law of Ukraine.
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