Latency of Modern Vandalism
vandalism, latency of vandalism, causes of vandalism, consequences of vandalism, crimes connected with vandalism.Abstract
Counting all indexes of criminality which display in official reports consist of number of committed crimes on the territory of Ukraine. However, the official data show only a number of registered crimes, but do not characterize their real condition. There are a lot of distortions of statistics either in many countries or Ukraine.
Latency of crimes connected with vandalism is not researched problem nowadays. These crimes as a part of the general criminality cause the same moral and material damages.
Modern scientists who studied latency of criminality are V. Obolentsev, R. Akutaev, R.Vepryts’kyj, A. Konev and A. Zakaliuk but they do not differentiate its main signs for each offence separately. So, to our opinion, main requirements in this sphere are formation of modern state of latent vandalism and analysis its determination in current condition social development.
Latent criminality is a summation of committed crimes, but undetected or such, which are not registered by the law-enforcement bodies, or information about them is not shown in official criminal statistics. Semantic origin of term «latent» (from Latin «latentis») means hidden or unknown, one which are not displayed in official accounting.
There are three groups of reasons which are caused latency of crimes (reasons connected with the characteristic of a criminal assault, reasons which are arising from the deficiencies of the law-enforcement bodies’ activity, reasons connected with the behavior of victims, witnesses or other persons who know about committed crime).
According to the criminological research the most popular form of vandalism is graffiti (68%). Other less popular forms are hooliganism with intentional destruction or/and damaging of a property, or damaging of the objects of cultural heritage (10% and 9% in accordance). The latest ones include desecration of grave, other place of burial or abuse of a dead body, destruction of communication lines and conveyances, damaging of religious or cultural buildings.
So, using the receiving information we can suggest that latency of vandal crimes will reduce legal security of people, create the situation of impunity and cause substantial losses for a state and citizens as well.
Existence latent crimes create a formation of wrong conception of its scales and condition. It causes faults in prognostication of criminality, in planning of its countermeasures. Latency of crimes connected with vandalism causes serious consequences either to state or to people.
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