Evolution of state support of agriculture of Ukraine: legal aspect
agriculture, government control of agriculture, state support of agriculture, public purchasing, Agreement of WTO about the public purchasing, consolidation of agrarian legislation, Government service of Ukraine on questions the unconcern of foods and defAbstract
Comparison of such concepts is carried out, as «government control of agriculture», «state support of agriculture», «state help of agriculture» and «state stimulation» in this article. Attention is accented on that a term «state administration» was in soviet time used, at this time a legislation is determine «government control». Position of the state budget is investigational on a current year in relation to stimulation of agricultural production. It is well-proven that the consequences of implementation of international obligations certain Agreement of World Trade Organization about the public purchasing Ukraine must be softened by the grant of state support to the agrarian sector of rural economy. Separate attention is spared to the project of law of Ukraine «About agriculture», that is given for consideration in parliament of Ukraine. Outlined one of important problems, that arose up in the process of forming of Government service of Ukraine on questions the unconcern of foods and defence of consumers.
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