The problem questions of update the legislation of Ukraine in aspect of professional representation a lawyer in civil procedure
professional representation, civil procedure representation, lawyer’s activity, civil litigation, lawyer in civil procedure, civil procedureAbstract
The Project of Law № 5221 «On Amendments to Article 10 Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and Status of Judges» relatively minor disputes in the courts» from 10.04.2016 is proposed addition to the article 10 Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and Status of Judges» (2016) the new provisions that concerning specifics of providing qualified legal assistance.
In the article elucidates the characteristics of the proposed legislative provisions in regard to professional activity of a lawyer, particularly in civil procedure.
The author has researched the views of scientists lawyers, in particular S. Bychkova, N. Yu. Sakara, A. V. Churpita and other. The mentioned scientists paid attention to study specific issues of «monopolization» of the Bar on the market that providing legal aid in civil procedure.
The author follows the position that lawyer is as a procedural representative at providing of legal aid in civil procedure it on the professional level.
In the scientific article emphasizes that the Project of Law № 5221 «On Amendments to Article 10 Law of Ukraine «On the Judicial System and Status of Judges» relatively minor disputes in the courts» from 04.10.2016, requires rework concerning criterion which identifies minor disputes.
According to the author’s opinion of this scientific article, the subject of the legislative initiative need proposed more detailed specifics of insignificant property dispute, its content and features of procedural representation of a lawyer for such categories of cases.
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