Regulating of the payment for labor of the foreign countries and in Ukraine is according to the international standards




payment for labor, international standards, European integration processes, foreign experience, national legislation


It is given special attention to the effective state policy conducting in the sphere of the payment for labor. Generalized experience of the payment for labor of foreign countries according to international standards has been considered and the modern current state of regulatory and normative and legal provision have been outlined. It is recommended presentation of the supervision process over compliance with the requirements of international act of the priority function character in the activity of the state supervision bodies and control in compliance with labor legislation in general. The history of implementation in Ukraine of the indexation mechanism practice, started still in 1991with the adoption of the Law of Ukraine «On indexation of money incomes of the population». However, its embodiment in life only provoked further rise in prices, which inevitably led to the increasing of the State budget deficit, that is why, in the end of 1992 action of this mechanism has been suspended. In 2003 it was introduced a new mechanism of indexation of money incomes of the population in Ukraine. Today this mechanism is observed in the framework of the living wage established for the relevant social and demographic groups of population.

Author Biography

Олександра Валентинівна Гаєвая, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute"

associate professor, deputy dean on scientific work of the Faculty of Social and Humanitarian Technologies


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How to Cite

Гаєвая, О. В. (2016). Regulating of the payment for labor of the foreign countries and in Ukraine is according to the international standards. Problems of Legality, (134), 103–111.



Administrative law. Financial law. Labor law