Retrospective of legal sciences development about the nature reserve fund of Ukraine as an element of national environmental network.




nature reserved fund, ecological network, the science about nature reserved fund, the development of legal science, special protected areas


The study of historiography scientific literature of legal regime of nature reserved fund has been found that the formation of the science about  the nature reserved fund took place within the natural sciences and associated with the names of Humboldt, Dokuchaiev, Kozhevnikov, Anuchin and others. Formation of legal Sciences about the Nature Reserve Fund is in the 60’s of XX century by the emergence of various textbooks and scientific articles among jurists which highlighted some aspects of the legal problems of organization, protection, effective land use of the nature reserved fund. In particular, legal issues of functioning of the nature reserved fund were in attention of such scholars as O. Kolbasov, V. Muntean, V. Petrov, Iu. Shemshuchenko, V. Hryhoryev. The first dissertation in this area were protected in 70’s of XX century by V. Yemelianova and L. Okorokova.

In addition, the examine the nature reserve fund as part of the ecological network is the specificity of this scientific paper, so there have been explored the current state of scientific literature in the field of legal regulation of ecological network. The result revealed that the legal basis of functioning ecological networks remains unexplored in science.

In conclusions stated that scientific views on the concept and sense of nature reserved fund transformed from the level of functioning of the particular elements to the formation of the nature reserve fund and consider it as part of the ecological network throughout the history.

Author Biography

Olga Oleksandrivna Stativka, Yaroslav Mydryi National Law University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Environmental Law


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How to Cite

Stativka, O. O. (2016). Retrospective of legal sciences development about the nature reserve fund of Ukraine as an element of national environmental network. Problems of Legality, (134), 129–138.



Environmental law. Agrarian law