The forms of protection civil rights parties of the bank deposit contract
civil rights, the bank deposit contract, the forms of protection the civil rights and their effeciency, civil legislationAbstract
The article is dedicated to analyze the forms of protection civil rights parties of the bank deposit contract considering the statistical data in regard to banks which allow violations of these rights and necessity to restore these rights by competent bodies. Fixing in civil legislation a number of opportunities to protect these rights with the existing economic crisis, especially in banking field, have practical importance that based on the efficiency of any form. Therewith, research the peculiarities of protection violated civil rights of the bank deposit contract in judicial, administrative and other forms. Attention is drawn on the peculiarities of some forms of protection. So, emphasizing the certain duration of judicial protection, alternatives opportunities of protection and restoration the violated rights of parties of the bank deposit contract is analyzed by the author. However, due to lack of effective mechanisms for protection the rights of parties of mentioned contract, the author proposed some ways for improving protection the violated rights of parties of the bank deposit contract.
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