Criminological policy as a basis for developing theory and practice of crime prevention in Ukraine
criminological policy, concept, structure, specificity control.Abstract
The author considers criminological policy to be a specific kind of ideology that represents concentrated political will and is being incorporated in state power. The latter impacts directly the concept of crime prevention, its shapes, goals, content and methods, the choice of the most suitable model for crime prevention and the institutional framework for its application.
The author argues that despite a wide range of research results, presented by M. Babayev, O. Bandurka, A. Blaha, S. Boskholov, V. Vasylevych, V. Holina, A. Zelinsky, M. Kleymyonov, V. Somyn, O. Lytvak, O. Litvynova, P. Frys et al., Ukraine still lacks integrative efficient criminological policy.
From author’s point of view, the independence of criminological policy is not absolute (separate from other branches of state policy in the scope of crime prevention). It has been stated that granting criminology with hyper function had resulted in devaluation for both criminological policy and criminology itself. Crime prevention has to evolve into an obligation for all the branches of executive power, fixed by the supreme public authority – Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
It has been supposed that the criminological policy shall be based on common crime prevention and fundamental criminological knowledge. Considering the numerous complexities of modern Ukrainian society, it has been concluded that criminological policy has to shape up-to-date approaches to crime prevention, contribute to improving the professionalism of public judiciary officials and optimization of national legislative structure in this scope. The substantial involvement of the public constitutes a significant asset to the national system of crime prevention. The importance of carrying out criminological expertise for legal drafting has been underlined.
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