Jurisprudence as phronetic experience: formulation of the problem





jurisprudence, phronesis, phronetic science, experience, hermeneutical philosophy of law.


The article is devoted to reactualization of Aristotelian idea of phronesis (practical wisdom as the capacity of situational judgment) in the framework of hermeneutical philosophy (M. Heidegger, G.-G. Gadamer, P. Ricoeur, F.-J. Mootz III, J. Tontti) and critical direction «phronetic social sciences» (B. Flyvbjerg) in order to clarify the nature of jurisprudence. Instead of the usual concepts of «theory», «science», «knowledge», – the author proposes to use the concept of experience, in particular legal experience to describe the jurisprudence. Last is thought of as an holistic human experience, which covers both interpretation of law (theory), reproduction of law (poezis) and its application (praxis) and can not be reduced neither to science nor to technology.

Author Biography

Natalia Ivanivna Satokhina, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Assistant of Department of Philosophy


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How to Cite

Satokhina, N. I. (2016). Jurisprudence as phronetic experience: formulation of the problem. Problems of Legality, (133), 241–248. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.133.70912



International law. Philosophy of law