Local Public Administration as a Agent Relations Land





land, land relations, local administrations, authorities.


The article studies the question of the place and role of local administrations in the management of land resources. Emphasized the special legal status of local state administrations is to combine the powers of the body of general and special jurisdiction. An authority in local government administration in the field of land relations understand entrusted to it by the State and enshrined in law the obligations regarding the impact of certain social relations.

Today is an acute problem of land control and its clear legal regulation, improve the effectiveness of local administrations in monitoring the use and protection of land, their interaction with law enforcement agencies in identifying violations, their implementation of preventive action and appropriate development of legislation of Ukraine in this area .

Local administrations are some of those that are able to quickly and effectively state land policy in place to ensure effective and efficient use of land resources by all actors land relations on the principles of equal access to the realization of the relevant rights. Therefore, the formation of a clear and effective system of powers in the sphere of land relations and the related institutional and organizational changes in the country remain extremely relevant.

Thus, the functions of public authorities in the field of land resources should characterize their legislative strengthening, associated with the implementation of state functions. Conditionality and necessity of government operations must meet state content operation of the mechanism of state management of land resources and clear legal regulation of their competence and must meet specific conditions of public relations.

Ensuring an effective policy on land relations central and local executive authorities in the implementation of possible institutional requirements: creation of affordable and open land registry of the country; Land valuation independent state body based on the annual rental value of all consideration of land and so on.

Author Biography

А. С. Самородов, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Competitor of the Department of Environmental Law


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How to Cite

Самородов, А. С. (2016). Local Public Administration as a Agent Relations Land. Problems of Legality, (133), 126–132. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.133.70657



Administrative, land and labor law