Sharia Business and The Challenge of Dispute Settlement in Indonesian Religious Court


  • Rahadi Wasi Bintoro Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman, Indonesia



Sharia Economy, Сivil Procedural Law, Religion Court


Sharia economy is not new in the world of Islam. Development of sharia economic law in Indonesia begins with the emergence of islamic banking. The development of national and international economy that always moves quickly along with more wider challenges, should always be followed in responsively by national banking in carrying its functions and responsibilities out to the community. According to the sharia banking law in order to be categorized in the scope of islamic economics, it is determined by the fatwa of the Indonesian Ulama Council. This is due to the MUI as an institution that has the authority in the field of religion and related to the interest of Indonesian muslims. One thing that is interesting from the proliferation of business activities with Sharia principles is about its pattern of settlement of disputes is related with Religion Court jurisdiction. Religion Court is an institution that has authority to examine dispute settlement of sharia economy case in Indonesia. However, the law of civil procedure used in the Religious Court is still referring to procedureal law in the general court which is much criticized, because its complicated procedures and take a long time so it’s been very expensive. Based on the analysis, the development of sharia economic system is basically the demands of the business world, which has the fast-moving character, however, development of sharia economy of which is not accompanied with its own substance of law, especially the procedural law that works to resolve disputes, so that, on its turn, it will lead to the obstacle for the sharia economic development itself, in which the condition is contrary to the principle of simple justice, quick and low cost as stipulated in the provisions of Article 2 (4) of Law No. 48 Year 2009 on Judicial.

Author Biography

Rahadi Wasi Bintoro, Faculty of Law Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

магистр, лектор, юридический факультет


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How to Cite

Bintoro, R. W. (2016). Sharia Business and The Challenge of Dispute Settlement in Indonesian Religious Court. Problems of Legality, (133), 41–51.



Civil law and civil procedure; economic law