Feature оf investigation of robberies and armed assaults
burglary, robbery, legal documents, injury, investigation of crimesAbstract
In today's world property is the material basis and a means to meet the material and spiritual needs of the population, so it needs protection against criminal attacks.
Robbery and robbery are among the most serious crimes in which criminals infringe not only on human life and health, but also on wealth.
Actuality is that the sharp increase in robberies and looting in need of improvement and continuous improvement of methods of investigating these crimes.
The problem features in the study of theoretical problems of investigating robberies and robberies involved scientists, criminologists, Y.P. Alenin, L.I. Arkusha, V.D. Basay, V.P. Bahin, V.D. Bernа, R.S.Belkin, V.А. Zhuravel, V.A. Konovalova, M.V. Saltevskiy, V.Y. Shepitko.
The investigation of these crimes depends on circumstances which were at the time of their commission. This is a crime scene, or his commission, the subject of attack, attack method, a way of obtaining property or cash, the presence of criminal groups, especially the characteristics of the crime.
Looting and robbery are specific inherent properties and characteristics that distinguish them from other crimes. Starting from these crimes forensic point of view have much in common that allows them to give a generalized description. The investigation of robberies and armed assaults characterized investigating the situation and circumstances that characterize them. This makes it possible to develop the main directions of the preliminary investigation, that is, to determine a set of investigative actions and operational activities.
Thus, establishing the conditions and reasons for the implementation of looting and robbery is one of the components of the investigative process. Most of these conditions can be set when questioning victims and witnesses (c. 224-226 Code of Ukraine), during the inspection of the scene (art. 237 Code of Ukraine), questioning of defendants and other actions. Unfortunately, some employees of pre-trial investigation underestimate the importance of these investigations, which results in the future to incomplete pre-trial investigation and the improper collection of information about the crimes committed. The successful investigation of robberies and looting must use every opportunity to obtain the necessary information, its processing and implementation of the norms of current legislation and features provided as criminology and other precise legal sciences.
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