The penal aspect of the essence of the legal institute
legal institute, subinstitute, interdisciplinary subinstitute of penal lawAbstract
Law, like any social phenomenon, can be the object of cognition only if legal norms that is its components, will come into connection with other legal norms, not only to form separate elements of the law.
Without a comprehensive study of the interaction between legal norms, their role in the regulation of social relations will be impossible to develop effective legal measures of influence on various spheres of public life. Unfortunately, proper attention to this issue in Ukraine is not given. Examined, in fact, a certain set of interconnected rules of law, but each of them, representing this population, is investigated separately, without necessary connection with other laws.
However, as presented in the legal literature, the research results confirmed the existence in law of such legal norms, which are involved in the regulation of certain social relations, being in its totality as an integrated whole. Such laws called legal institutions.
Legal institutions, subinstitutes and interdisciplinary subinstitutes of penal law, both from the point of view of legal terminology and from the point of view of defining the content, in domestic science remains thoroughly unexplored and only mentioned in some scientific works of foreign authors. The term “legal institution” is used by scholars more as a term authoritative sound. In this article, we first provide a definition of the legal Institute, subinstitute and cross-subinstitute of penal law, interpret the normative contents of the allocated inherent characteristics, focusing on the absence in domestic science studies on this issue.
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