Legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine: main signs and definition
Constitutional Court of Ukraine, legal positions, decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, legal nature, constitutional jurisdictionAbstract
The practice of a single body of constitutional jurisdiction indicates on the necessity of a certain number of amendments to the current Law of Ukraine “On the Constitutional Court of Ukraine”. It is impossible to achieve the quality regulation of these issues without a thorough scientific analysis of basic features of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
The purpose of the article is to analyze the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and scientific views on their signs, to identify and describe the main features of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
There are the conclusions made that an important step in any legal position research is the establishment of the legal nature. The article discusses different scientific views on the basic features of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. On the basis of the analysis of acts of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and scientific works, there are defined, in particular, the following main features of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine: they are the result of interpretation and represent the most generalized, concentrated expression of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine understanding of the provisions of the Constitution of Ukraine, laws and/ or other regulations, which are carried out within the jurisdiction of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine; they are the basis for the final decision, which is set in the act of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine; they appear in the reasoning and/ or the operative parts of the decisions and conclusions and some rulings; they have a special legal force; they are obligatory, that are binding throughout the territory of Ukraine for all public authorities, local governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations, officials, citizens and their associations; suitable for further repeated use in solving similar cases; as opposed to the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, the legal positions have a feature of the relative finality.
Basing on the research results, by the author there is offered the following definition. The legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine are legal conclusions of the Court due to the interpretation of the Constitution of Ukraine and/ or provisions of laws and other regulations within its competence, which remove the constitutional and legal uncertainty, which have general character, particular legal force and which is the legal basis for a final decision, set in the Court act.
The author concludes that the most reasonable approach is to formulate the definition of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the basis of objective main features of this phenomenon. Its further separate detailed study requires the issue of validity of the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine.
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