Concepts and criteria as law: problems of definition
legal technique, legal act, the law, the quality of the law, the law as the criterion, the accuracy of legal normsAbstract
We study the basic scientific approaches to the definition of «quality of law». The attention is paid to the need of establishing quality criteria regulations and in particular the law. Analyzes the proposed quality criteria of law. Disclosed property law, characterizing its internal and external form. The legal technique is aimed at the formation of a perfect legal act and its content. This should ensure a high quality of both statute and bylaw, that is, its compliance with all meaningful criteria and formal legal requirements. Indeed, the concept of «quality of law» is characterized by a set of properties and relationships that should have any qualitatively perfect law and, accordingly, to be provided to it at the design stage. Therefore, the term "quality of law" is central to the legal technique. In deciding the ratio «quality of law - the effectiveness of law», may be denoted that, the quality of the law acts as a measure and performance criterion of the developed legislation.
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