Objects and subjects of tactical decisions in criminalistics
object tactical decisions, subject of tactical decision-making, critical thinking, reflexive thinkingAbstract
In article the terms "object" and "subject" in relation to tactical decisions in criminalistics are investigated. The attention is focused on correctness of understanding of the specified terms that has theoretical value for full and comprehensive investigation of the concept "tactical decision". Need of the correct definition of "object" of tactical influence at adoption of tactical decisions in practice of investigation of crimes is emphasized.
The declared problem isn't investigated in literature adequately. Its separate aspects found an embodiment in works of such scientists, as: R. S. Belkin, I. V. Basistaya, N. V. Glinskaya, P. A. Lupinskaya, etc. Article purpose - definition of the concepts "object" and "subject" of tactical decisions, their types, and also an illustration of their use at investigation of crimes.
In article the terms "object" and "subject" of tactical decisions in criminalistics in interrelation with separate provisions of the theory of decision-making in sciences of philosophy and management are investigated. The etymology of the called terms is considered and interpretation them in relation to the tactical decisions developed by criminalistics is given. Classification of objects of tactical decisions depending on the tactical tasks arising in the course of investigation of crimes is given.
By consideration of the concept "subject" of tactical decisions it is specified its interrelation with "objects" of the called decisions. The attention to signs of the subject of decision-making which are defining at a choice of object of the tactical decision is paid. The "cogitative tools" used by the subject of adoption of tactical decisions are given in article. As main "tools" two types of thinking are called: critical and reflexive.
At research of reflexive thinking the attention to its interrelation with critical thinking at adoption of tactical decisions is paid.
The analysis of the terms "object" and "subject" of tactical decisions in criminalistics allows to establish existence of their interconditionality which is defined by estimated activity of the investigator. In practice of investigation the object of the tactical decision is defined by the subject and its right choice depends on skills of critical and reflexive myshleniye.References
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