Legal doctrine and it's application by Supreme Court of Ukraine in the revision of judicial decision in civil cases
legal doctrine, the Supreme Court of Ukraine, review of judicial decisions by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the principle of legal certainty, unity of judicial practiceAbstract
The article is devoted to the problems of increasing the efficiency of production for the review of judicial decisions by the Supreme Court of Ukraine in the system of civil justice. In particular, the questions of application of the doctrinal sources in civil cases by the highest judicial body become the subject of scientific analysis. Modern approaches to defining the nature of the legal doctrine and its significance for the process of the court application, as well as the prospects for the immediate application of the doctrinal sources of the administration of justice in the national legal system are analyzed.
Based on the special nature of the judicial review of decisions by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, several areas of use of legal doctrine in civil cases by the Supreme Court of Ukraine are highlighted. In particular, the following are seen: the use of the findings of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Supreme Court of Ukraine; obtaining individual advice and legal opinions from scholars in law; direct use in solving doctrinal sources of the Supreme Court of Ukraine.
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