The methods of court supervision in the stage of preliminary investigation




The stage of preliminary investigation, court supervision, rights and freedoms of man and citizen, prosecutorial supervision


Provided article tells about the methods of court supervision in the stage of preliminary investigation. It depends on the role of court on the place of law-enforcement organs in the stage of preliminary investigation providing lawfulness and fundamental of being criminal-procedural activities. In this article the author based upon scientific evidence and practical side of the need for court supervision, role of court and gave their suggestions to Code of Criminal Procedure of Azerbaijan Republic.

Author Biography

В. А. Ахмедов, Academy of Justice of Ministry of Justice of Republic of Azerbaijan

Doctor of Philosophy of Law, Chief Advisor of Department of Research and judicial precedents


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How to Cite

Ахмедов, В. А. (2014). The methods of court supervision in the stage of preliminary investigation. Problems of Legality, (126), 170–175.



Criminal procedure and criminalistics