Grounds for the application of judicial discretion in criminal proceedings




judicial discretion, discretionary (ad hoc or discretionary) the law, with respect to whether or alternative sanctions mandatory rules of law, the concept of evaluation


This paper analyzes the essence of two of the three grounds specified by the author for the use of judicial discretion (discretion) in court proceedings. In particular, investigate the nature of discretionary (ad hoc or discretionary) with respect to the law and determined whether alternative sanctions mandatory rules of law (law of nature, especially the consolidation of the law, the types and cost). Expressed and reasoned opinion on the unreasonableness of reference to the reasons for judicial discretion legal gaps and conflicts in legislation, regulations and scientific advisory and methodical.

Author Biography

В. В. Вапнярчук, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Candidate of Law Sciences, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Вапнярчук, В. В. (2014). Grounds for the application of judicial discretion in criminal proceedings. Problems of Legality, (126), 163–169.



Criminal procedure and criminalistics