Legal issues of ensuring citizens rights to common use of forest resources




common natural use, forest use, common use of forest resources, environmental rights, rights of natural resource users


The article deals with major issues of exercising of civil rights to common use of forest resources. It was analyzed the dynamics of forest law as regards legal regulation of common use of forest resources as well as powers of the state authorities in defined area. It was developed recommendations on ensuring civil rights to common use of forest in the event of forest lease. It was proposed amendments to forest law of Ukraine as related to ensuring right to common use of forest resources.

Author Biography

Г. С. Федчишин, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University



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How to Cite

Федчишин, Г. С. (2014). Legal issues of ensuring citizens rights to common use of forest resources. Problems of Legality, (126), 100–106.



Environmental Law