udgment of the European Court of Human Rights as a source of law in Ukraine





sources of law, the law of precedent, the European Court of Human Rights, European integration, the legal regulation


Problem setting. Problems of determining the place of the European Court of Human Rights in the system of sources of law in Ukraine. The problem remains relevant sources of law. Difficult to determine the sources of law related to the lack of clear criteria. Modern civil law countries are hundreds and thousands of decisions of courts of different instances. Therefore, jurisprudence is a source of rights of the Romano-Germanic legal family, particularly Ukraine. Any systematization of legislation can not provide the necessary level of detail of regulation. Right of modern continental Europe developed it as a precedent.

Recent research and publications analysis. Until today, analyzed and spoken about the need to implement a judicial precedent for reforming the legal system of Ukraine, many scientists. In this area next scientists showed their interests: K. Andrianov, M. Buromenskiy, A. Bushchenko, Lutkovska V., V. Paliyuk, P. Rabinovich, N. Radanovych, D. Suprun, S. Fedyk, S. Shevchuk and others. On the need to implement judicial precedent for reforming the legal system of Ukraine also said other scientists: A. Selivanov, M.Koziubra, M. Miller, M. Gray, V. Nor, L. Lutz, W. Kotyuk, S. Shevchuk, V. Navrotskyi, G. Shmelev, B. Malyshev, A. Kuhnyuk, D. Kyrylyuk, V. Shishkin.

Paper objective. The goal is to deepen scientific knowledge of the harmonization of Ukrainian legislation with the European legal systems; rethinking the relationship to legal precedent; the need to implement judicial precedent in the legal system of the country; the level of detail necessary legal regulation; the ability of the legal system to respond to the dynamic development of social and economic institutions. The object of study is the source of law governing social relations, in particular, the case law. Purpose of the study is the European Court of Human Rights as a source of law in Ukraine.

Paper main body. Identify features of the European Court of Human Rights should be based primarily on the current legislation.Ukraine at the legislative level has recognized the compulsory jurisdiction of the European Court of Human Rights. Convention for the Protection of Human Rights in accordance with Art. 9 of the Constitution is part of the national legislation of Ukraine. Ukrainians are very actively traded in the European Court of Ukraine is one of the leaders of appeals last few years. Most often, the applicants complain about the violation of the right to a fair trial. Many complaints of torture and inadequate conditions of detention. The decision of the European Court can be considered as the official form of clarification of fundamental rights of every person, and enshrined in the Convention. This is part of national law and a source of legal regulation and enforcement in Ukraine. Implementation of the Convention and the decisions of the European Court as a source of law in Justice of Ukraine were developed in the course of judicial reform. The decision of the European Court concerning the official interpretation and application of the Convention and binding on the States Parties to the Convention.

Conclusions. The decision of the European Court must be ideological and legal basis for justice in Ukraine. Case law system is the most common in the world - it's a well known fact. Is increasingly recognized in Ukraine and the importance of the role of jurisprudence of the European Court.

Author Biography

О. О. Сидоренко, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Candidate of Law Sciences, Assistant of Department of Theory of State and Law


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How to Cite

Сидоренко, О. О. (2015). udgment of the European Court of Human Rights as a source of law in Ukraine. Problems of Legality, (129), 242–250. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990x.129.52067



International law