State control in local government: specificsoflegalregulation




state control, state control subjects, local government, officials, public authorities


Problem Setting. In an article in a systematic form analyzed legal regulation of state control in local government, interaction of state and local governments controlling bodies.

Analysis of the recent researches and publications. Control in local government can be classified according to different criteria: 1) subjects who carry it (control by the public authorities, community formations, citizens); 2) controlled objects (control of local authorities, officials); 3) level of control (departmental, interdepartmental and extra-departmental control); 4) subjects of area for controlling (education, health, natural resources, finance, etc.); 5) control execution by period of time (previous, current, final); 6) level of specialization (general and special).

Paper objective. Control activities in local government carries by Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, parliamentary committees, member of Parliament. During the period from 12 December 2012 by 27 November 2014 Ukrainian members of Parliament VII convocation sent to local governments 138 parliamentary inquiries, over a third of which were addressed to Kyiv City State Administration. This shows that the majority of deputies never took advantage of this form of control over the activities of local government as a parliamentary inquiry after two years.

In the annual report of the Ukrainian Parliament Commisioner for Human Rights on the human rights and freedoms states that in 2013 local governments received 1324 complaints, representing 4.9% of the total number of complaints to the authorities and other agencies. This indicates that only 4 submissions Ukrainian Parliament Commisioner for Human Rights to local self-government in 2013 at the same time, other acts reaction 448. Taking into consideration that Commissioner's application is a major act of responding to human rights violations, a small number of submissions may indicate an insufficient level of attention of the Ukrainian Parliament Commisioner for Human Rights to monitoring activities of local governments.

Paper main body. Controlling authority in local government carry out by central government. The control exercised by these authorities is generally sectoral. Among the types of industry control can be called on budget and finance, environmental, architectural, sanitary-epidemiological, safety, competition, veterinary, consumer protection, the prices, energy, fire-prevention, land, quality of medicines and so on.

Conclusions. Based on researched problems about controlling activities of agencies and local government officials author proposed directions of improvement of legal regulation of relations in this area.


Author Biography

О. А. Смоляр, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

Judge of the district court of Cherkassy, Cherkasy region

Competitor of the Department of state building


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How to Cite

Смоляр, О. А. (2015). State control in local government: specificsoflegalregulation. Problems of Legality, (129), 59–68.



Constitutional and municipal law