Key aspects of the basic provisions of the legislative acts concerning the reform of the Ukrainian culture at the time of formation of the State of independence
history of culture, legislation, State independence, Ukrainian culture, development of culture, national revivalAbstract
Problem Setting. The article examines the Soviet heritage in the culture of independent Ukrain be late 80s early 90s of the XX century. The main aspects of the first legislative acts concerning the reform of the Ukrainian culture are analyzed, namely: “Declaration Ukraine” and “Fundamentals of Ukraine on culture”.Analysis of the recent researches and publications. The cultural politics of independent Ukraine in the first years of its existence was formed in the complex political, economic, historical and cultural circumstances. Recalling with horror and pain of the inhuman conditions in which workers find themselves in the cultural sphere, institutions and enterprise culture in the 1990s to find out the objective and subjective reasons for this state of affairs.
Paper main body. Preventing beforehand, it should be noted that the cultural processes in the independent Ukraine evolved is not quite the way envisioned in recent years of "perestroika" educationist, literary figures, figures of culture, all socially active and nationally conscious intiligencia. The article investigates the State of the cultural development of Soviet times and the realities of culture at the beginning of Ukrainian independence. And also analyses the main provisions of the first legislative acts concerning the reform of the Ukrainian culture. Namely: "Declaration on State sovereignty of Ukraine", "Declaration of rights of nationalities of Ukraine "and" fundamentals of legislation on culture".
Conclusions. So, at the moment of formation of the State independence of objective reality demanded immediate legislative reform in the field of culture. It should be remembered that the history of Ukrainian culture period of late 80's-early 90-ies. was formed under the influence of long-term cultural denationalization as part of Imperial Russia, and in the period of USSR. At the time of adoption of the necessary legislative decisions of the cultural history of Ukraine had no other idea of the formation of the national independent Cathedral States formed an idea of national identity by virtue of the variety of cultures, polyethnic population and language differences between the major regions of the country. What about making the first legal State acts of independent Ukraine, built solely on humanistic and democratic ideas to reform the culture bore or declaratory or is not feasible at that time in nature. Thus, I must say that the only real democratic development of the country and the effective legislation of the possible reform and further development of Ukrainian culture.
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