The public control subjects.


  • С. А. Косінов State financial inspection in the Kharkiv region, Ukraine



social control, public authorities, public control subjects, associations


Problem setting. The purpose of public control in a democratic state is cleared in this arti­cle; its legal basis is defined. The fact that all actors without public powers are the public con­trol subjects is pointed. In this regard, noted that public control is carried not only associations (organizations), but unorganized public. Associations are classified as public control subjects; the characteristics of some of them (community organizations, the media, trade unions, political parties and others) are showed. The conclusion about inappropriateness of attribution local authorities to public control subjects is made.

The article clarified the purpose of social control in a democratic state, which is to ensure the optimi­zation of real national sovereignty and governance. Determined the legal basis of public control, analyzed articles of the Basic Law, dedicated to guaranteeing the rights of participation in the rule of public affairs.

Paper objective. It is noted that the subjects of public control can act, all participants of social relations that are not endowed with public powers. In this regard, it stresses that public control is carried out not only by non-government associations (organizations), but unorganized public.

Paper main body. The classification of NGOs as agents of public control based on the following criteria: the need for formalizing the establishment, purpose and functions, the nature of authority, area of activity. Shows the legal characteristics of individual types of organizations (community organizations, the media, trade unions, political parties, etc.).

It is emphasized that each of the associations mainly with certain sectors of public life, which, unlike political parties or trade unions, are not limited to political activities or protection of socio-economic rights of workers. Their activity also extends to humanitarian, informational, environmental, security and other areas of social and political life of Ukraine.

Conclusions. The conclusion of the feasibility of assigning local authorities to the subjects of pub­lic control over state power, as they are part of the public authorities and in this respect are themselves subject to public scrutiny.

Author Biography

С. А. Косінов, State financial inspection in the Kharkiv region

Candidate of Law Sciences, Assistant Professor, Chief


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How to Cite

Косінов, С. А. (2015). The public control subjects. Problems of Legality, (129), 10–19.



Theory and history of state and law