Innovative Technologies for the Development of Criminology in the Conditions of War


  • Vasyl Bilous Yaroslav Mudryi National Law Universit, Ukraine



, war crimes, aerospace forensics, aerocriminologist, innovative technologies, technical and forensic support


The article is devoted to the study of the main areas of activity and highlighting the achievements of the Center for Forensic Innovations "intelligenTrident" of the Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University as a center of interdepartmental and interdisciplinary cooperation aimed at solving current problems of forensic theory and practice in the context of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. Through the prism of the general characteristics, tasks and functions of the Center, significant results of activity achieved in the field of: organization and holding of public events (round tables, seminars, conferences, discussion panels, lectures, master classes, trainings, presentations and exhibitions, etc.) of national and international level aimed at highlighting current achievements, public discussion of problems important for civil society, the professional community and the State, and collegial development and implementation of algorithms for their effective solution; creation of scientific monographs, textbooks, training manuals and multimedia content, the latest didactic tools and innovative technologies of educational and professional activity; development of optimal configurations of mobile and stationary complexes of technical and forensic support and separate functional modules of the latter, execution of work on their assembly to meet own needs and on the order of third-party entities; development and production of own scientific and technical means and technologies aimed at meeting the current and prospective needs of forensic education, science and practice in the process of professional training, implementation of practical activities in the investigation and trial of criminal offenses, prevention of their commission; providing state authorities and local self-government bodies, subjects of the security and defense sector, advocacy, prosecutor's office, court and forensic expert activities with recommendations and practical assistance on the situationally determined application of modern technical and forensic means and technologies in order to improve the quality and efficiency of the performance of functional duties, etc.


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How to Cite

Bilous, V. (2024). Innovative Technologies for the Development of Criminology in the Conditions of War. Problems of Legality, (165), 192–211.


