Implementing Open Science Principles in Ukrainian Legislation: European Experiences and National Specificities
open science, open access to scientific publications, research data, metadata, orphan works, right of secondary publication, open access to research infrastructureAbstract
In the context of Ukraine's European integration and ongoing scientific sector reform, implementing Open Science principles has become increasingly relevant for the national academic community. This paper analyzes EU and Ukrainian legislation regarding open access to scientific and technical information and research infrastructure, while also proposing ways to improve the quality assessment system for scientific and technical activities. The authors employ a comprehensive methodology, combining general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, and historical analysis) with specialized legal research methods (doctrinal analysis, forecasting, and modeling) to conduct a multifaceted study and support their conclusions on the need for legislative updates. The first section examines the legal framework supporting open access to scientific and technical information, arguing for the introduction of new legislative concepts including «open access to scientific and technical information», «public funding of scientific research», «research data,», «metadata». The second section addresses copyright protection within the open science context, proposing amendments to Ukrainian legislation regarding open access to scientific publications, in-depth text and data analysis, regulation of orphan works, and the right of secondary publication. The third section evaluates the alignment of Ukrainian legislation with open science principles in research assessment and incentivization, recommending a new certification methodology for scientific institutions that balances quantitative metrics with substantive qualitative assessment. The fourth section examines EU policy and legislation on open access to research infrastructure, proposing updates to Ukrainian legislative terminology by introducing concepts such as «open access to research infrastructure» and «research infrastructure register». The final section analyzes the academic integrity draft law from an Open Science policy perspective, offering recommendations for improving specific legal provisions.
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