Creation and Legal Status of a Specially Authorized Body of Non-Banking Financial Services


  • Hanna Shovkoplias Yaroslav Mudryii National Law University, Ukraine



non-bank financial services market, state regulation, control, self-regulating participants, the National Bank of Ukraine


The article is devoted to the peculiarities of state regulation in the market of non-banking financial services. At the same time, attention was paid to the creation of a specially authorized state body in the form of the National Commission for Control of the Market of Non-Banking Financial Services. The purpose of the article is to reveal the legal status, the order of formation, and clarify the main principles of the National Commission's activity. Achieving the outlined goal became possible thanks to the use of a complex of methods of scientific knowledge, in particular, the dialectical method (for comprehensive knowledge of the nature of the National Commission for Control over the Market of Non-Banking Financial Services), the formal-legal method (for establishing the content of legal norms), the formal-logical method (for identification of shortcomings in national legal regulation), comparative legal method (for studying the experience of other countries and determining the prospects for implementing their principles of activity in the national legal field). It has been studied that the special status of the commission is that it ensures the stability of the entire non-banking financial system of Ukraine, establishing the requirements that such institutions must meet, namely requirements for: liquidity, solvency, capital, asset quality, risk level of operations, profitability. The work examines the relationship between the commission and the National Bank of Ukraine, their cooperation in the market, which consists in the development of regulatory and legal acts and their approval. The need for the National Bank of Ukraine to delegate its powers to the National Commission for Control of Non-Banking Financial Services in relation to: registration of market participants, licensing of non-bank financial institutions, determining the procedure for issuing and canceling a license, approving the terms of operation of such institutions. In view of this, a new model of state regulation on the market of non-banking financial services was proposed in the form of concentration of all control functions on the market in a single operationally independent regulator - the National Commission for Control of Non-Banking Financial Services, which is in close cooperation with the National Bank of Ukraine and by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission. Also, the article emphasizes that regulation by the National Commission for Control of the Market of Non-Banking Financial Services should be complemented by a system of self-regulating participants in the market, which are an additional tool to state regulation.


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How to Cite

Bakalinska, O., & Shovkoplias, H. (2024). Creation and Legal Status of a Specially Authorized Body of Non-Banking Financial Services. Problems of Legality, (164), 106–119.


