Features of the Functioning of Higher State Bodies in the State of Emergency (Martial Law) in European Countries: Constitutional and Legal Regulation





special legal regime, martial law, state of emergency, higher state bodies, constitutional foundations


Topicality. The relevance of this topic is determined by the study of problematic issues related to the optimization of the activities of national state authorities in the conditions of martial law.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the constitutional and legal regulation of the functioning of the public power mechanism of European states in the conditions of martial law based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific works and constitutional and legal acts regarding the content of special legal regimes that are introduced during crisis situations.

Research methods. To achieve the specified goal, a set of methods was used: dialectical (for the objectivity and comprehensiveness of knowledge of state-legal phenomena in foreign countries, taking into account various factors, in development), systemic approach (when considering public authorities as a whole ordered system), formal-legal method (for establishing the content of legal norms and analyzing the practice of their application) and others. The comparative legal method was used as the leading method (to compare the legal and organizational aspects of the functioning of authorities and to develop practical recommendations for improving the activities of public authorities in Ukraine).

Results. The constitutional and legal norms regulating the special legal regime (in particular, the martial law regime) in European countries are analyzed, and the key features of the mechanism of public power functioning in emergency conditions are highlighted. It is emphasized that the study of European experience is relevant and appropriate from the point of view of possible further implementation in national legislation. It is noted that special legal regimes are introduced when a certain situation of an extraordinary nature arises in the state, threatening the development of the state and society, the rights and freedoms of citizens. The constitutional and legal institution of the emergency regime is a system of legal norms that establish the grounds and procedure for its introduction, the state authority authorized to introduce it. A special mode of activity of state authorities and local self-governments, enterprises, institutions and organizations is also established. The limits of the special legal regime in time and space are fixed. In the states, temporary changes in the demarcation of competence between the authorities of different levels are usually foreseen. As a rule, executive authorities are temporarily granted certain powers that normally belong to the legislative body, on a clear legal basis.

Four variants of implementation of the procedure for the introduction of special legal regimes (in particular, martial law) in the practice of European states are distinguished, which are differed by the degree of involvement of the parliament.

The significance of the results. The possible ways and methods of optimizing the activities of the higher state authorities of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law are proposed.

Author Biography

Alla Grynchak, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

Доцент кафедри державного будівництва;

провідний спеціаліст відділу міжнародних зв'язків


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How to Cite

Grynchak, A., & Grynchak, S. . (2022). Features of the Functioning of Higher State Bodies in the State of Emergency (Martial Law) in European Countries: Constitutional and Legal Regulation . Problems of Legality, (158), 6–28. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990X.158.262854


