Military and military-civil administrations in the system of territorial organization power in Ukraine: a comparative analysis




territorial organization of power, military administrations, civil-military administrations, public authorities, administrative-territorial unit


The article examines the issue of the constitutional and legal status of military and military-civilian administrations, as well as the problems of their territorial organization. The problems of the constitutional and legal status of these bodies are primarily related to the lack of their constitutional and legal regulation, which in practice can lead to abuses, violations of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In addition, the functioning of military and military-civilian administrations entails the termination of the activities of local self-government bodies in the territories defined in the laws. First of all, we are talking about elected bodies of local self-government - councils, when the inhabitants of the territory can exercise their right to vote. Also, the formation and functioning of military and military-civilian administrations is associated with a significant expansion of the powers of the President in this area.
Along with this, military and military-civilian administrations are endowed by law with significant powers, including powers in the system of local self-government, as well as in the system of executive power, which makes them the most influential structures in the respective territory.
The shortcomings of the legal regulation of the territorial basis of the activities of military and military-civilian administrations are analyzed. Through a systematic and comparative analysis, conclusions were drawn about which administrative-territorial units within the region it is not advisable to introduce military-civilian administrations, and conclusions were drawn about the need for an identical approach to the formation of military and military-civilian administrations at all territorial levels.
The issues of interaction of military-civilian administrations with other public authorities are considered.

Author Biography

O. Lialiuk, Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University

PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of State Building Depart-ment


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How to Cite

Lialiuk, O. (2022). Military and military-civil administrations in the system of territorial organization power in Ukraine: a comparative analysis. Problems of Legality, (157), 6–19.

