The genesis of the ecosystem concept in the aspect of the implementation of the ecosystem approach to environmental law: from the philosophers of Antiquity to A. Tansley


  • Ye. P. Suietnov Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого, Ukraine



ecology, environmental law, ecosystem, ecosystem concept, ecosystem approach


The article notes that in the modern environmental legal doctrine in the study of the legal basis for the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems and the implementation of the ecosystem approach to environmental law there is a lack of interdisciplinary scientific search, primarily taking into account the achievements of the relevant natural sciences, which are extremely important for the development of these issues, and therefore need to be thoroughly covered.

With this in mind, the article analyzes the process of formation and development of the ecosystem concept during the historical period from the philosophers of Antiquity to A. Tansley, that is, before the introduction of the term «ecosystem» into scientific circulation. The fateful significance of this event is concluded, despite the fact that some scientists much earlier almost came close to the concept of «ecosystem» and some even proposed other terms which are adequate to «ecosystem» but have not received universal recognition.

It is also hoped that representatives of the ecological-legal science in the study of the conservation and restoration of ecosystems and the implementation of the ecosystem approach will support the idea of the feasibility of interdisciplinary scientific searches.

Author Biography

Ye. P. Suietnov, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

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How to Cite

Suietnov, Y. P. (2021). The genesis of the ecosystem concept in the aspect of the implementation of the ecosystem approach to environmental law: from the philosophers of Antiquity to A. Tansley. Problems of Legality, (155), 89–109.

