Problematic issues of submitting of counterclaims in International centre for settlement of investment disputes


  • Olexandr Vasiliovich Serdiuk Yaroslaw Mudriy National Law University, Ukraine
  • Georgiy Viktorovich Grabchak



International centre for settlement of investment disputes (ICSID), Investor-states dispute settlement (ISDS), the counterclaim, foreign investor, Washington Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States on 1965, admissibility, ICSID Rules, subject-matter of the dispute, precedent


The counterclaim institute is one of crucial legal defense options during the dispute settlement in domestic and international jurisdictions; investment arbitration is not an exception. The most famous dispute settlement platform is International centre for settlement of investment disputes (ICSID). One of the key ideas of establishment of such a dispute settlement instrument was an implementation of autonomous and objective system of Investor-states dispte sttlement (ISDS) by the “independent forum”. While procedural rights of ISDS parties are conceptually equal.

However, the concept of equal procedural rights of ISDS parties has not been translated into reality. Notwithstanding the fact that the counterclaim institute is an important instrument of ensuring the objectivity and comprehensiveness of the dispute settlement, tribunal`s approaches are “restrictive” and “cautious”.Taking into account that States are “perpetual respondent” in ICSID, problematic issues of submitting of counterclaims influence the realization of interest of the State in ICSID.

Problematic issues of submitting of counterclaims clearly show the imbalance of the exercise of procedural rights by the respondent-state.The article is intended to draw the attention of readers to problematic issues of submitting of counterclaims in ICSID and on the alternative view of the isuue.

Author Biography

Olexandr Vasiliovich Serdiuk, Yaroslaw Mudriy National Law University

Doctor of law, Professor


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How to Cite

Serdiuk, O. V., & Grabchak, G. V. (2021). Problematic issues of submitting of counterclaims in International centre for settlement of investment disputes. Problems of Legality, (155), 238–253.

