The ecosystem approach under the Convention on Biological Diversity: a review of decisions of the Conference of the Parties
environmental law, international environmental law, ecosystem, ecosystem approach, biological diversity, Conference of the Parties, Convention on Biological DiversityAbstract
A comprehensive analysis of the process of formation and development of the ecosystem approach in international environmental law under the Convention on Biological Diversity has been undertaken. Based on a study of the provisions of the Convention and a review of decisions of the meetings of its governing body – the Conference of the Parties – the conclusion is made about the current state of development of the ecosystem approach.
In particular, under the Convention on Biological Diversity, general framework of the ecosystem approach have been developed, including its description, principles and practical guidelines for its application, and its leading role in the conservation of biodiversity has been determined. Undoubtedly, the ecosystem approach generally and its principles particularly require thorough discussion at future meetings of the Conference of the Parties and implementation in appropriate decisions.
At the same time, it is quite obvious that the effectiveness of this approach in the issue of biodiversity conservation will depend primarily on its implementation in the state environmental policy and legislation of all countries-participants of the Convention and its practical realization, which, according to the author, should become one of the priority and strategic directions in the field of legal regulation of environmental relations in Ukraine.
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