Ekonomichna bezpeka Ukrainy yak peredumova zabezpechennia yii suverenitetu


  • Ivan Yakoviyk Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава мудрого, Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8070-1645
  • Anna Turenko НДІ державного будівництва та місцевого самоврядування НАПрН України, Ukraine




economic security of the state, national security, economic sovereignty, strategy


Economic security is an integral part of national security. As history shows, a strong economy is a prerequisite for the power of the state, its place and role in the world community. From the second half of the twentieth century economic development issues have become an integral part of the national security ideas of both the scientific community and the governments of most countries. While in some countries the emphasis is primarily on the economic power and economic sovereignty of the state, in others – on the issues related to «energy», «technological», «food» security or protection of the state from global and regional economic cataclysms, or the danger of «economic espionage».  

Economic security is the foundation of national security and at the same time it is closely interconnected with its other components. Also it is the basis for ensuring its subspecies such as military, political, environmental, information and others. 

The need to ensure economic security at the macro level is growing in connection with the development of globalization and integration processes in the second half of the twentieth century. Globalization and economic integration, on the one hand, threaten economic sovereignty and, on the other, create new opportunities for economic growth. In the context of economic globalization and regional integration, it is extremely important to reveal the essence of ensuring the economic security of the state. To achieve the goal of studying the economic security of the modern state, it is necessary to consider theoretical and methodological approaches to ensuring economic security. 

Author Biography

Ivan Yakoviyk, Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава мудрого

завідувач кафедри права Європейського Союзу


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How to Cite

Yakoviyk, I., & Turenko, A. (2021). Ekonomichna bezpeka Ukrainy yak peredumova zabezpechennia yii suverenitetu. Problems of Legality, (154), 8–36. https://doi.org/10.21564/2414-990X.154.238747

