Some questions of the history of the formation of the system of criminalistic knowledge




the history of the formation of criminalistics knowledge, criminalistic, periodization of the formation of criminalistics knowledge, system of criminalistics knowledge


The article discusses the problematic issues of the historical preconditions for the formation of the system of criminalistics knowledge. Analyzed the scientific works of scientists and practitioners of law enforcement agencies regarding the system of criminalistics knowledge and criminalistics science. The importance of taking into account the historical period regarding the formation of the structure and system of criminalistics knowledge is emphasized.

Systematization of criminalistics knowledge took place in several stages. Thus, one of the first to summarize and classify criminalistics knowledge was Hans Gross. Similarly, SM Tregubov and RA Reiss attempted to form a system of criminalistics knowledge in their scientific works. A. I. Vinberg and B. M. Shaver in their work argued for the need to distinguish in criminalistics science of the general and special part. In certain historical periods, different views were proposed on the formation of a system of criminalistics knowledge, which is associated with the historical development of society at that time, the state of scientific research on the detection, detection and investigation of criminal offenses. Depending on the historical stages, practitioners and scientists offered their own system of criminalistics knowledge and criminalistic science.

Author Biography

V. O. V. O., національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого

асистент кафедри криміналістики


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How to Cite

V. O., V. O. . (2021). Some questions of the history of the formation of the system of criminalistic knowledge. Problems of Legality, (155), 218–225.

