Theoretical and applied problems of counteracting organized groups and criminal organizations that are formed on an ethnic basis in Asia, Africa and Australia
ethnic crime, organized groups that are formed on an ethnic basis, criminal organizations that are formed on an ethnic basis, counteraction, foreign experienceAbstract
Formation by the Ukrainian state of a multi-vector mechanism of counteraction to organized groups and criminal organizations formed on an ethnic basis is impossible without understanding the essence of this problem, relevant statutory concepts and classification and separation of features of organized ethnic crime, which are important for law enforcement and the main effective factor in such activities is to guarantee the security of citizens and the integrity of the state from criminal encroachments of organized groups and criminal organizations that are formed on an ethnic basis. It is stated that today among domestic scientists there are no comprehensive studies of organized groups and criminal organizations, which are formed on an ethnic basis. At the same time, such comprehensive studies are absent in European and American. researchers. Although the latter have positive isolated changes in this area. The main attention and efforts of researchers are attracted to large-scale organized ethnic groups.
Based on a comparative legal study of foreign experience in Asia, Africa and Australia in combating crimes committed by organized groups and criminal organizations formed on an ethnic basis, the possibilities of introducing positive foreign experience in the work of law enforcement agencies of Ukraine have been identified. It is noted that the importance of our scientific intelligence, first of all, is that in practice, law enforcement agencies engaged in combating organized groups and criminal organizations that are formed on an ethnic basis, had the opportunity to have an idea of this negative phenomenon. The article also emphasizes the peculiarities of collecting, analyzing, accumulating and storing information exchange for its convenient and effective use by law enforcement agencies of different countries in detecting, documenting and investigating crimes committed by organized groups and criminal organizations formed on an ethnic basis.
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